Tips for Keeping Your Car Safe from Theft

car safety

Tips for Keeping Your Car Safe from Theft in Oklahoma

Car theft is a very real problem in Oklahoma. Vehicle owners are at risk no matter if they park their car outside on the street or inside a locked garage. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips that all vehicle owners can use to keep their cars safe from theft and protect their valuable assets.

Secure Your Keys

The first step in preventing vehicle theft is to make sure that your keys are secure. Many people carry extra copies of their car keys, and thieves may be able to use any spare set to gain access to your car. Make sure that all your car keys including any spares are locked away in a safe place, and never leave your keys in the ignition of your car, even just for a few minutes.

Park In Well Lit, Secure Areas

When parking your car, try to always choose a well-lit area and always park in secure and visible spots. A garage or car parking is always the best option, and if parking outside, try to stay near security cameras and busy areas. Make sure you always lock your car with the windows and hood closed, and never leave any valuable items in plain sight.

Install Secure Car Locks

One of the best ways to prevent car theft is to install high-quality locks that are specifically designed for cars. Your local locksmith company can help you choose and install the right type of locks for your car. They can also help you replace locks that are not secure enough.

Alert your Local Police

If you suspect that your car has been stolen, it is important to contact the police right away. Make sure that you report the theft, and provide accurate information about your car including its location, make, model and license plate.

Get a Vehicle Recovery Device

Vehicle recovery devices are GPS based and allow people to track their stolen car. Installing one of these devices can help the police quickly locate and recover your car if it is stolen.

Install Security Cameras Around Your Vehicle

Installing security cameras can be an effective way to deter thieves from attempting to steal your car. If you have cameras installed around your car, it can provide a level of protection and make it harder for thieves to steal or tamper with it.

Ensure Your Insurance Policy Covers Theft

When considering different car insurance policies, make sure to check if they are offering the coverage you need in case of car theft. Some insurance policies won’t cover all costs if your car is stolen and you should always check the details of your policy before signing up.


Car theft is a real problem, even here in Oklahoma. However, by following the above tips, you can protect your valuable vehicle and keep it safe from thieves. make sure to invest in good quality locks and security systems, alert the police if needed and always choose a safe area to park your car.